CallKit error枚举
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typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(CXErrorDomainCallDirectoryManager, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError) { CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorUnknown = 0, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorNoExtensionFound = 1, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorLoadingInterrupted = 2, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorEntriesOutOfOrder = 3, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorDuplicateEntries = 4, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorMaximumEntriesExceeded = 5, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorExtensionDisabled = 6, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorCurrentlyLoading API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.3)) = 7, CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerErrorUnexpectedIncrementalRemoval API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) = 8, } API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.0)); |
CurrentlyLoading | |
DuplicateEntries | |
EntriesOutOfOrder | |
ExtensionDisabled | The directory extension was disabled. |
LoadingInterrupted | The loading of the directory extension was interrupted. |
MaximumEntriesExceeded | The maximum number of directory entries was exceeded. |
NoExtensionFound | The extension could not be found. |
UnexpectedIncrementalRemoval | |
Unknown | An unknown error occured. |
转载请注明:天狐博客 » Error Code