godaddy 在Bidding List的won显示成功域名
1.预定页面域名状态变成了 Funds Received, authorization pending 转移页面状态变成了 Authorization code needed
2.之后,第六天的时候,状态变成了Email Seller For Details
it's time to request the transfer of XXX. To transfer the domain to your GoDaddy account, please click here.
You will then need to contact the seller by using the "email seller" link in yourwon section. The seller will then provide you with the transaction id, security code and authorization code.
3.意思是进入预定页面 点击Bidding List won页面 域名旁边的 email seller 表明索要 transaction id, security code
4.之后等待卖家回复,使用其 transaction id, security code 在转移页面进行转移认证
转载请注明:天狐博客 » Godaddy Auctions 域名竞价经验,拍卖规则及流程